Member Jungle Implementation update #4
27th December 2023
By Jeff Crane

This news item provides an update on the implementation status and advice regarding any key changes.
Cut over day + 27
The number of members on Member Jungle is increasing, with 64.5% of members having accessed the system and 40% of members have logged onto the system via the Member Jungle APP. I encourage more members to download the App and access the system via the App. Anyone having difficulty installing and logging onto the App should contact Craig Flett or myself for assistance. I've had great feedback from members regarding the App.
The cycling planning meeting was held on the 17th December, and we added 16 bike rides and 3 bike base camps to the Member Jungle schedule. We have a good plan for the next 6 months.
We now have a total of 65 events in Member Jungle scheduled for 2024. I encourage members to take a look at the schedule and start planning their participation in club events. It only takes a couple of clicks to register.
I've recently been focusing on documenting leader Member Jungle processes. Initially I published th guide titled MJ - Entering Activity Instructions. This has now been superseded by the MJ - Leaders Guide. This covers:
Extracting information from MJ Activities Archive
- Entering an activity (event) into the Member Jungle system
- Cloning an event from an earlier occurrence of the activity in Member Jungle
- Amending an event
- Registering members for an event
- Registering visitors for an event
- Updating member attendance at an event
- Cancelling an event
This document can be found by clicking the Library button in the app and then selecting Guides.
The original implementation plan was to initially have coordinators enter and maintain events, but due to the enthusiasm of some of our leaders, we have decided to bypass this step and give leaders the ability to maintain events. So far, we have given leaders access to 20 leaders. If you are a leader and want to gain leader access, contact me or your coordinator.
Jeff Crane
0468 495 339