Member Jungle implementation update
1st December 2023
By Jeff Crane
Thank you everyone for the positive feedback you've provided regarding the implementation of member jungle. The number of people that have already joined the system, changed their personal details, and register for activities has exceeded my expectations. We've already had some people join the club via the membership website and pay using the stripe gateway. This is before the general meeting on Tuesday which was to be the official launch. At the general meeting on Tuesday we will be providing training on the system and also helping people logon to the system for the first time. I encourage members planning to attend the meeting to download the App before the meeting. An advantage of the app over the website is the ability to see who has registered for an activity you want to attend.
As of 2/12/2023 @ 0900 - 19.7% of members have used the Member Jungle system. Our goal is to have over 90% of members actively using the system. Although we've made good progress, we still have a long way to go. So come on, members download the App and log onto the system.