IMPORTANT Member Jungle is coming
25th November 2023
By Jeff Crane

Mon 27 Nov: We plan to migrate member details into the MJ system.
Wed 29 Nov: Friends on Foot will be published. This will be a cut-down version of Friends on Foot as it will only contain the date and title for the December activities and date and title for activities in the forward plan. The activity details can be found on the club's member jungle website. Click on the link below to go to the website:
Or you can go directly to the events page on the website with the following link.
We recommend that you save this address in your favourites for future reference. The website can be accessed from PC's (Apple or Microsoft) and from Tablets or mobile phones (Apple or Android).
You don't have to log on to view the activity details. However, you will need to log on to register for an activity. Ultimately, we want most members to register online for activities. We expect that some members may have some difficulty with the logon process. If difficulties are encountered, you can still register for an activity by phoning or emailing the leader. You should also call either Jeff Crane (0468 495 339), or Craig Flett (0499 990 594) or Anna Bransden (0432 248945) for assistance.
There is also a Member Jungle mobile app for your phone or tablet (Apple or Android). This provides a very convenient way of accessing the club information (i.e. the Gold Coast Bushwalkers club in your pocket). You will need to download this app onto your device(s) from the relevant APP store ( Apple devices - iPhone APP Store; Android devices - Google Play store).
Tue 5 Dec. We plan to run a training session at the General Meeting. We encourage members to attend this meeting.
As I mentioned at the last General Meeting, it is intended that all club activities will be managed through Member Jungle. This will be done in stages.
Stage 1 - All activities that currently appear in Friends on Foot will be implemented from the beginning of December 2023. We have already preloaded track walks, off-track walks and Kayaks. Cycling activities will be loaded after the bike planning meeting on the 3rd Dec.
Stage 2 - All Thursday night walks
Stage 3 - All Monday night walks
Stage 4 - All Wednesday walks
Initially, the coordinators will be entering the activities. However, the goal is for the leaders to manage their own activities.
Once stage 1 is implemented, we will set dates for the subsequent stages.
The initial focus will be on the activity (event) management. We have until April 2024 before training will be required in the new membership renewal process.
Note: If you are reading this News article you are already in Member Jungle. I encourage you to take a look around - check out the other news items and the activities (events) that have been loaded.
More detailed instructions on how to log on to the system for the first time can be found in the "more information" link at the bottom of this article.
For more information download this document